+44 (0)7776 203 431 hello@protensd.co.uk
How To Sell Products With Multiple Options

How To Sell Products With Multiple Options

Selling isn’t always easy. Quite often, and especially if your product or service has various options at different prices, you won’t be able to offer a price that’s immediately accepted. You might well have to enter into some elements of negotiation to find a point...
What’s In A Name?

What’s In A Name?

I often get asked where the name Proten Sales Development comes from. One of the first challenges you face when setting up a new business is what to call the business. Should it make reference to the founder(s), should it describe what they do or what they offer, or...
David Bowie, Michael Jackson…. And Me!

David Bowie, Michael Jackson…. And Me!

It’s always a huge honour to be invited to contribute to any publication, but this month, I’m in truly esteemed company. John Ferguson is a world renowned commercial and brand photographer who’s worked with some of the biggest names in the corporate...
Pandemic Poll Results

Pandemic Poll Results

We ran a recent poll on LinkedIn to understand some of the ways that businesses have been impacted by the pandemic. The results are fascinating! Created a new business model – 45% Almost half of respondents have created a new business model, something that...
13 Tips for Effective Warm Calling

13 Tips for Effective Warm Calling

In 2021, salespeople need to change the way they approach prospecting. First, you need to work your inbound leads. Let your marketing team work the top of the funnel. You don’t have to call all the leads who are just looking for information or education, those leads...