+44 (0)7776 203 431 hello@protensd.co.uk

Sell more, sell more often and build a better business

We work in partnership with our clients to help grow and transform the way they position and sell their products or services.

Pile of notes and coins

Award Winning Sales & Strategy Coaching

Education Training Awards 2022

We offer a free consultation for business owners and accountants who are interested in understanding how we might be able to help.

Here’s what we’ll be talking about

Are you concerned about what the future holds? Does your business need to adapt to a “new normal”?

Download our free white paper “10 Reasons To Work With A Business Coach” and learn how having an independent view and someone to hold you accountable will help you build a better business.

Our Services

We help small businesses, accountants and their clients grow their businesses

The Bottom Line

How We Do It

We work in partnership with small businesses, accountants and their clients to help grow and transform the way they position and sell their products or services.

We understand that no two client businesses are identical and recognise that out of the box business coaching approaches are often overkill or ineffective, and may even conflict with or overlap the services that the accountant offers.

We fully recognise that small businesses are often cash strapped and that engaging consultants at high day rates may be inappropriate and unaffordable. We also recognise that small business owners may not want to spend full days working with an advisor; they have a business to run.

That’s why we offer a menu of services; You decide which are the most appropriate and would deliver the most value.

People learning how to become better at selling

Its that easy!

Our Three Step Process

01. Free Consultation

We discuss and identify/prioritise your objectives and asess whether working together would be beneficial.

02. Initial Review

We discuss your personal and business objectives and the impact of achieving them. Together we review your business, considering what it needs to deliver to you personally and we’ll agree the top three objectives to focus on and agree actions. 

03. Follow Up Sessions

We’ll review progress against the actions agreed in the review session (or previous workshop). We’ll provide advice on specific challenges and improvements to be made and agree short-term actions. Workshops are scheduled in a time frame that works for the you (typically monthly or quarterly).

Get Started Quickly with a No Obligation Consultation!

What They’re Saying

Customer Testimonials

I witnessed Phil’s positive impact with his team and mentoring capabilities which helped develop junior members into capable and skilled sellers, which was crucial in a very difficult market.

In the short time since we worked on our sales proposition, we have started to see higher quality leads coming through our existing and new sales channels.

Highly intelligent with a wealth of business acumen, Phil is a formidable individual with a caring compassionate side making him an excellent source of advice for any company.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Free Consultation Up Front

We waste no time in trying to understand whether or not we can help you in your aims, and therefore we offer a no obligation, 100% consultation for us to meet, have a coffee, and get to know each other.

Proven Results via Testimonials & Case Studies

Proten Sales Development does not promise what they cannot deliver. Our testimonials and case studies are proof of this. Check them out!

Get In Touch

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