+44 (0)7776 203 431 hello@protensd.co.uk

Client Engagement Skills For Accountants (How To Sell Without Being Pushy). Half day interactive workshop

“A really great session Phil. Just been reviewing my notes and working on my actions this morning, and I’m impressed with the amount that was covered in the time. It’s the first time I felt I have a clear view about the sales function and how to help and articulate value to clients, in a way that I feel comfortable with and is relevant/beneficial to prospects/clients. You provided a great framework to work with.” Joan Adams – Adams O’Rourke
“It was a great workshop, pitched at the right level for me as I need a structured approach to working and I can sometimes find the selling process overwhelming. I am, really pleased I attended as I took so much value from it to implement in my business. Thank you Phil.” Lenah Oduour – GHawk Accounting

Thursday 27th February 14:00 - 17:00.. CLICK HERE for agenda and tickets








Make Your Practice Work For You, Not The Other Way Around

Are you struggling to grow the practice?

Does the thought of “selling” fill you with dread?

Do you have a clear definition of the value you provide your clients?

Do you find it difficult to overcome client objections?

Are your sales activities not delivering?

Is your practice allowing you to live the life you want?

Two men shaking hands on a big paper aeroplane

Download "Top 5 Mistakes Accountants Make When Selling" for free now!

Selling your services can be easy depending on whether you have the right tips & tricks beforehand.

This free article gives you an instant 5 tips that could help improve your sales meetings instantly!

Win More And Better Clients

We’ll help you improve how you (and your team) sell your true value and deliver the results you need.

Focused 1-2-1 Coaching

Helping you focus on improving how your run your practice and achieving your personal and business goals.

Share Ideas & Collaborate With Other Business Owners

Work with other, like minded accounting firm owners in our Mastermind Groups to share ideas & challenges, develop new strategies and hold each other accountable for taking action.

Phil Sayers

Phil has recruited, developed and trained sales teams around the world, and derives as much satisfaction from helping sales people and teams become successful as he ever did from closing deals that ranged from a few hundred pounds to over a million.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch and start working towards your goals!