by Phil Sayers | Oct 29, 2018 | News
Wouldn’t it be good if every sales call you made ended with the customer agreeing to buy from you at the price that you’ve quoted? For products and services with a relatively low price point, this might happen, but for most businesses it doesn’t. Let’s be honest, if...
by Phil Sayers | Oct 22, 2018 | News
Some sales discussions will move easily through the sales process and you can close straight away, but often the customer will come up with a reason why they’re not ready to commit to buy your product. When this happens, it may feel like you’ve come up against a brick...
by Phil Sayers | Oct 15, 2018 | News
If you asked most people what they thought the most important skill for sales people is, many would say the same thing. Of course, that’s no great surprise, not least because it’s arguably the most visible part of the sales process. We’ve all been “closed” at some...
by Phil Sayers | Oct 11, 2018 | News
I’ve read incredibly mixed comments about elevator pitches. Some people see them as pointless, others see them as an absolute no brainer addition to a sales person’s toolkit. Me?…. I’m firmly in the second camp… provided of course that the “pitch” has been...
by Phil Sayers | Oct 8, 2018 | News
When you’re engaged with a prospect, it’s often necessary to make some form of presentation, typically using PowerPoint or Google Slides. I imagine you’ve sat through hundreds of presentations over the years… I know I have! Some of them have really left an impression,...