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Growing A Business Without External Funding

Growing A Business Without External Funding

Businesses that are funded purely from the finance available to the founder, typically personal savings, are referred to as bootstrapped. Any profits earned in the early stages are then invested back into the business to grow it more. Bootstrapping is a really common...
What Makes A Good Sales Person?

What Makes A Good Sales Person?

It’s one of the questions I’m asked the most. Good salespeople are one of the greatest assets to any business, but what is about them that makes them stand out from the crowd? There’s a common misconception that sales people are good at talking, that they have the...
How To Sell Products With Multiple Options

How To Sell Products With Multiple Options

Selling isn’t always easy. Quite often, and especially if your product or service has various options at different prices, you won’t be able to offer a price that’s immediately accepted. You might well have to enter into some elements of negotiation to find a point...