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5 Important Sales Performance Metrics To Track

5 Important Sales Performance Metrics To Track

As a sales manager or leader, your problem probably isn’t too little data. It’s too much data. After all, with the latest tools, we can measure everything … and we do. Let’s be honest; it can be overwhelming. And when you’re overwhelmed, you can’t analyse the data,...
5 Characteristics of Successful Sales People

5 Characteristics of Successful Sales People

Anyone can set goals…. You can commit to selling more than anyone on your team, bringing in a major client, or doubling your conversion rate. But meeting your goal is far harder. What are the chances you’ll actually outperform all your peers without an effective...
Sales Productivity Myths Exposed

Sales Productivity Myths Exposed

Just because certain sales productivity practices are commonly accepted doesn’t mean they’re correct. Sales is a high-pressure, results-driven role which is why so much emphasis is placed on sales productivity. From sales executives down to entry-level sales reps,...