+44 (0)7776 203 431 hello@protensd.co.uk
I Made A Client Cry

I Made A Client Cry

Last week I made a client cry…… That might sound like an odd statement to go public with, but bear with me. Like many business owners, the client in question is ambitious, driven and is rightly immensely proud of the business he’s built. BUT…...
Award Winning Sales Training & Coaching

Award Winning Sales Training & Coaching

When you’re running a business that helps other businesses be more successful, the greatest satisfaction comes when you see the improvement in results that they’re generating… even more so when the client openly acknowledges the help and guidance...
6 Ways to Encourage Sales Accountability

6 Ways to Encourage Sales Accountability

For any growing company, the speed at which you hire new sales team members means continuously adjusting your sales training approach to find a balance between group sessions and one-on-one coaching. You need a sales training process that will equip each salesperson...
A Guide to Coaching Uncoachable Sales People

A Guide to Coaching Uncoachable Sales People

For any team to be as good as it can be, it has to buy into what you, as the coach, are doing. They have to feel you’re a part of them and they’re a part of you. But when it comes to sales, some managers might have trouble delivering on it; often through no fault of...
How to Sell a Service

How to Sell a Service

Some of my clients sell services, others sell products. While selling a product can feel more transactional, often with a one-time purchase, selling a service requires more nuance. Without a tangible product, you’ll need to sell prospective customers on the vision...