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10 Qualities of Successful Salespeople
2. They’re resilient
Successful sales people aren’t afraid to take risks. They’re not overly concerned about rejection or failure, because they understand that they can learn from the experience.
The importance of referrals in selling
It’s hard to find new customers… anyone in sales will tell you that, so if there were a way of getting potential customers to contact you directly, life would be so much easier wouldn’t it?
Marketing activities certainly help generate possible interest, but there are things sales people can do themselves to help add leads and opportunities to the pipeline.
Breaking up is hard to do
They don’t respond to your quotation, they don’t answer emails, they don’t take or return your calls. They just leave you hanging in limbo and your boss is on your back asking when that sale you were so confident about is going to close. Equally frustrating are those prospects that just say “maybe” and don’t seem to be able to make a decision, one way or another.
What Buyers Expect From Sales People
The days of simply cold calling from a purchased data list or (for those of “a certain age”) the Yellow Pages are long gone. Modern sales people need to be smarter, better educated and prepared to think outside of the basic features and benefits of their product or service.
4 Keys to Asking Better Questions
Every successful sales person understands that asking the right questions is critical to making a sale, and yet, many of us don’t ask enough questions, and consequently miss potential sales opportunities, form strong relationships and excel as a sales person.
Not all Prospects are Equal
It amazes me even now how often I ask the businesses I work with “Who is your ideal customer?” and the answer is, “Anyone who will buy from me!”
Most sales people have experienced a bad customer. You invest huge amounts of your time working with them, provide the best service you can and yet despite all this, they’re never happy.