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Cross-Selling and Upselling: Why Are They Important?

Cross-Selling and Upselling: Why Are They Important?

A customer’s revenue potential doesn’t end at the point of sale. There’s a wealth of opportunity for more business after purchase.

The terms are often used interchangeably, but the approaches for each are different.

How To Motivate Yourself For That Next Sales Call

How To Motivate Yourself For That Next Sales Call

Over the years I’ve learned certain strategies to help me maintain my composure and hone my sales calls, so much so that if I meet you for the first time as a potential customer, you’d never know about my introverted tendencies. These days I try to pass those techniques along to my training and coaching clients.

7 Qualities That Define the Entrepreneur Mindset

7 Qualities That Define the Entrepreneur Mindset

Some salespeople are just built differently. They put another degree of effort and strategic thought into their day-to-day responsibilities, and they do this by employing the entrepreneur mindset.

The entrepreneur mindset is a special frame of mind that separates certain salespeople from their peers. In other words, it’s the difference between a good sales person and a truly great one.

4 Ways To Recover Lost Revenue in 2023

4 Ways To Recover Lost Revenue in 2023

The lockdown period saw many businesses facing huge drops in revenue and whilst some have recovered well, others are still finding the going tough and while that task of recovery might feel imposing, it’s not insurmountable.

Recovering lost revenue is a tall order, but it’s still totally doable. Here, we’ll suggest some routes you can take to face that challenge.

USPs – What Are They And How Do You Develop A Good One?

USPs – What Are They And How Do You Develop A Good One?

As a sales person, you need total confidence and belief in whatever product or service you’re selling. If you don’t then your prospect probably won’t either.

So how can you talk confidently about whatever it is you’re selling.

That’s where a USP, or Unique selling Proposition comes into play.